Innovation, Wisdom, Responsibility
We have a dedicated University counsellor that helps students with their university applications. Students looking to apply for elite universities like Oxford or courses like Medicine, Law etc, will be put into our Key Professions Programme. We have developed an enhanced package of application support that ensures students are fully prepared for admissions interviews, produce the best personal statement and importantly feel confident in their application. With the new teaching structure implemented in January, we believe our students are able to strive for a better academic performance and learning experience with us in CATS Cambridge. The new teaching structure are Lectures with around 40 students, Seminars with around 20 students and Tutorials with 2-3 students a class. This aims to support students with different learning preferences. CATS Cambridge teachers are there to help students with their studies. Teachers meet with their students weekly to assess their academic progress and if extra support is needed, additional sessions outside of timetabled lessons will be provided.
Message from School
“CATS Cambridge is for the best who want to be their very best. It is our mission to deliver an innovative and excellent education.”