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Q&A with Kelvin: Former Medical Student Shares His UK Study Experience – From Hong Kong to Tonbridge School

Kelvin, Tonbridge School

Meet Kelvin, who received his sixth form education at Tonbridge School, Kent. He then studied medicine at University of Cambridge. After completing medical school and working as a junior doctor in the UK, Kelvin continued his career in Hong Kong. He is now a clinical oncologist focusing in the care of patients with breast cancer.

 Q&A with Kelvin: Former Medical Student Shares His UK Study Experience – From Hong Kong to Tonbridge School

Q: Can you tell us about your experience attending a UK boarding school? Why did you choose the UK?

A: The 2 years as a Tonbridge School sixth-form boarder were one of the happiest times in my life. Compelling reasons for choosing a UK boarding school to further one's education: a combination of academic excellence, rich tradition and history and strong support and focus on university preparation and personal growth.

Q: How did attending a UK boarding school shape your academic and personal growth?

A: The academic life in Tonbridge was rigorous, diverse and all-rounded. I met some of the best teachers in their fields who were intellectually stimulating and encouraging, the curriculum was well-structured, and the teaching was effective and often thought-provoking, allowing one to learn the best way to learn.

Q: How did the boarding school environment prepare you for life beyond academics?

A: Life at Tonbridge was busy and diversely packed with options beyond academics, from immersing into a dynamic world of instrumental music to endless sports choices, cultural events, volunteering experiences and way more. All these exposures guide one’s search for personal interests and talents outside the academic curriculum.       

Q: What were some of the most memorable moments or experiences during your time at the boarding school?

A: There were many! I remember one day we were learning about carbon bonding in chemistry class, and the next day our teacher took the class to attend a lecture at the Royal Society by the Nobel laureate of the field! There was also this memorable moment when my friend and I were lying on the school’s cricket field greens, gazing into a vast, starry sky, and sharing our future dreams. 

Q: Looking back, what aspects of your education at the UK boarding school do you believe have had the most significant impact on your life and career?

A: The freedom to explore, the encouragement to stay curious and to ask questions, the opportunity to gain self-understanding and growth, and the embrace of the beauty of cultural diversity.  

Q: What advice would you give to current students considering or already attending a UK boarding school?

A: Treasure every moment of it! Always stay open-minded for all sorts of opportunities and new experiences thrown at you, dive into the unknown with a curious heart, and maybe you will capture what could be the most wonderful gift in your life.

Q: Lastly, how would you describe your experience with Academic Asia?

A: Academic Asia has been like a family to me from the very beginning. I received countless invaluable advice, support and wisdom from Academic Asia throughout my years at boarding school and beyond, for which I am forever grateful.

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